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Lajwanti Seeds - Chuimui - Mimosa Pudica - Sensitive Plant Seeds

Product Code: KRLAJWANTI
Availability: In Stock

The roots of lajwanti are used to treat leucoderma, angiopathy, metropathy, ulcers, dysentery, swellings, jaundice, bronchial asthma, small pox, strangury, and fevers. Its leaves are useful in hydrocele, hemorrhoids, fistulous withers, scrofula, pinkeye.

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Lajwanti is also known as the "Touch-me-not" plant. It is widely considered as a highly decorative plant that is also utilized for a variety of medical uses. 

Because of its antioxidant characteristics, lajwanti seeds aids in blood sugar management by boosting insulin secretion. It is beneficial for urinary problems since its diuretic properties enhance urine output. Lajwanti may potentially aid in the treatment of epilepsy due to its anticonvulsant properties. 

Because of its antioxidant and antibacterial qualities, Mimosa Pudica paste can aid in wound healing. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, it also aids in the reduction of pain and swelling associated with wounds. 

Lajvanti, according to Ayurveda, may aid in pile management due to its Sita (cool) and Kashaya (astringent) characteristics. Because of its Vata balancing properties, applying a paste of lajwanti seeds on the forehead may help ease migraine pain. 

Piles :

In Ayurveda, piles are called as Arsh. An poor diet and sedentary lifestyle are to blame. This compromises all three doshas, particularly Vata. Constipation is caused by an exacerbated Vata, which has a low digestive fire.

This causes swelling in the veins of the rectum, resulting in piles and symptoms such as discomfort, itching, and burning. Because of its Pitta and Kapha balancing characteristics, Lajvanti aids in the management of Piles. It also relieves burning and discomfort due to its Sita (cool) and Kashaya (astringent) properties. 

Diarrhea :

Diarrhea is called as Atisar in Ayurveda. It is caused by poor diet, contaminated water, pollutants, mental tension, and Agnimandya (weak digestive fire). All of these variables contribute to the aggravation of Vata.

This worsened Vata, causing Ama to form, and brought fluid into the gut from numerous tissues throughout the body, which mixed with the excrement. This causes loose, watery bowel movements or diarrhoea. Because of its Kapha balancing properties, Lajvanti aids in the digestion of Ama and improves digestion, hence controlling Diarrhea. 

Dysentery :

Agnimandya (low digestive fire) can occur as a result of poor dietary habits, leading to a Kapha dosha imbalance. This produces an accumulation of Ama, which mixes with the excrement and occasionally causes flatulence. Because of its Kapha balancing properties, Lajvanti aids in the digestion of Ama and alleviates the symptoms of Dysentery. 

Alopecia :

Alopecia is a hair loss syndrome characterised by bald spots on the head. It is known as Khalitya in Ayurveda. Alopecia is typically caused by an imbalanced Pitta dosha, which weakens the hair roots and causes hair loss. Because of its Pitta balancing property, Lajvanti helps avoid the aggravation of pitta dosha, which prevents the weakening of hair roots and thus manages unnatural hair fall.

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